Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
A podcast encouraging Texans in historic Christianity best expressed in Presbyterian & Reformed theology. A resource for officers and members in NAPARC (PCA, OPC, ARP, RPCNA, et al.) churches as well as those curious about Reformed theology and practice.
What are the goals for this podcast?
- Encourage Presbyterian & Reformed (NAPARC) churches in Texas.
- Help more Texans (and those coming to Texas) become familiar with our churches.
- Help everyone become familiar with our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Learn more at https://www.ecrosstexas.com/blog/presbyterian-and-reformed-texas-podcast/
Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
"Grace overcomes Guilt" with Russian-speaking Ukrainian Greg Zhelezny (Trinity Plano)
Meet Yegor (Greg) Zhelezny a Russian-speaking Ukrainian now living in North Texas. Born in Kiev to parents of an atheistic-jewish background, Greg knew guilt well. Hear the testimony of God’s saving work as the Spirit led a young man to receive the gospel of grace and move to America so he could turn and reach Russians with the Gospel. Greg is a candidate for ministry in the North Texas Presbytery and member at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Plano.
- Trinity Presbyterian (PCA) Plano
- North Texas Presbytery
- Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) New York City
- Tim Keller
- Albert Mohler The Briefing: From Peter the Great to Putin the Bully – A Briefing on the Ukraine Crisis and the Russian Threat: History, Empire, Kiev, Moscow, Religion and Worldview
- The Stockdale Paradox
- Redeemer Arlington
- HopeRussia
To reach Greg via email: messiahcame AT yahoo.com
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Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site ecrosstexas.com
Soli Deo Gloria