Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
A podcast encouraging Texans in historic Christianity best expressed in Presbyterian & Reformed theology. A resource for officers and members in NAPARC (PCA, OPC, ARP, RPCNA, et al.) churches as well as those curious about Reformed theology and practice.
What are the goals for this podcast?
- Encourage Presbyterian & Reformed (NAPARC) churches in Texas.
- Help more Texans (and those coming to Texas) become familiar with our churches.
- Help everyone become familiar with our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Learn more at https://www.ecrosstexas.com/blog/presbyterian-and-reformed-texas-podcast/
Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
Potential pitfalls and dangers for the PCA with Fred Greco
Mr. Moderator Returns.
Teaching Elder, Fred Greco, of Christ Church Katy, delivered a message today at RTS Dallas' 2024 Spring Luncheon Series on "The Promises and Predicaments of Presbyterianism in the Present Moment."
He touches on three main areas:
1. Concerns about abuse.
2. Concerns about the size of the PCA as we grow.
3. Maintaining Presbyterian convictions in a changing world.
Q&A Follows.
Thanks again for RTS Dallas for allowing us to share this audio.
- Fred Greco (@fredgreco) on Twitter / X
- Christ Church Katy
- Fred Greco's first appearance on the show.
- Fall 2023 PCA News Roundup where Synods are discussed.
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Reformed Texas (@reformedtexas) on Twitter/X
Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site ecrosstexas.com
Soli Deo Gloria