Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
A podcast encouraging Texans in historic Christianity best expressed in Presbyterian & Reformed theology. A resource for officers and members in NAPARC (PCA, OPC, ARP, RPCNA, et al.) churches as well as those curious about Reformed theology and practice.
What are the goals for this podcast?
- Encourage Presbyterian & Reformed (NAPARC) churches in Texas.
- Help more Texans (and those coming to Texas) become familiar with our churches.
- Help everyone become familiar with our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Learn more at https://www.ecrosstexas.com/blog/presbyterian-and-reformed-texas-podcast/
Presbyterian and Reformed Texas
Christ from Beginning to End
It's the start of a new year. Bible reading plans are trendy right now. What should you expect to find as you dive into the Word of God?
Ruling Elder, Eric Wallace had the opportunity to exhort the congregation at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Plano, TX on January 2, 2022. The text of the sermon is Luke 24:13-49 in which Jesus explains that He is the sum and substance of Holy Scripture.
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Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site ecrosstexas.com
Soli Deo Gloria