Kyle Oliphint (WTS '99) joins this Presbyterian and Reformed Texas episode. Kyle is the Senior Pastor at Grace Community Presbyterian Church Fort Worth, about 15 miles north of downtown Fort Worth. Kyle shares the story of Grace Community and his own story of coming to Christ. We also spend some time talking about education choices for our children. Should we as Christians home school our kids or send them to private schools? Can Christians send their kids to public schools? Is there a one-size-fits-all answer?
Kyle and Eric are married to public school teachers and each sent their children through public schools. Now, their children are teaching in public schools as well.
We also talk sports and celebrate the World Champion Texas Rangers and close the episode talking about evening worship.
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Reformed Texas (@reformedtexas) on Twitter/X
Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site
Soli Deo Gloria
Kyle Oliphint (WTS '99) joins this Presbyterian and Reformed Texas episode. Kyle is the Senior Pastor at Grace Community Presbyterian Church Fort Worth, about 15 miles north of downtown Fort Worth. Kyle shares the story of Grace Community and his own story of coming to Christ. We also spend some time talking about education choices for our children. Should we as Christians home school our kids or send them to private schools? Can Christians send their kids to public schools? Is there a one-size-fits-all answer?
Kyle and Eric are married to public school teachers and each sent their children through public schools. Now, their children are teaching in public schools as well.
We also talk sports and celebrate the World Champion Texas Rangers and close the episode talking about evening worship.
Like and subscribe, rate and review, and spread the word far and wide.
Reformed Texas (@reformedtexas) on Twitter/X
Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site
Soli Deo Gloria