Mark Trigsted, Associate Pastor at Redeemer McKinney (PCA) joins us to talk about worship in the PCA and the recent online dustup over the Directory of Public Worship. We also talk about the Dallas Cowboys, Mark's football career, Thai food, and get a review of the Lakewood's conference that we heard about in Episode 1.
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Reformed Texas (@reformedtexas) on Twitter/X
Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
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Soli Deo Gloria
Mark Trigsted, Associate Pastor at Redeemer McKinney (PCA) joins us to talk about worship in the PCA and the recent online dustup over the Directory of Public Worship. We also talk about the Dallas Cowboys, Mark's football career, Thai food, and get a review of the Lakewood's conference that we heard about in Episode 1.
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Reformed Texas (@reformedtexas) on Twitter/X
Eric Wallace (@ecrosstexas) on Twitter/X
Eric's site
Soli Deo Gloria